Listen to Diana’s Guided Meditations


Join me online for a guided meditation every Wednesday at 5:30 pm eastern time on Facebook!


Meditation has been scientifically proven to have immense medical benefits such as: lower blood pressure, quicker healing time from a physical or emotional wound, less depression & anxiety, stress relief, reduced illness, decreased risk of heart attack and stroke, and even younger biological age! But that’s not the only reason I teach people to meditate.

Besides the self healing benefits, I believe that meditation is the way to connect with your Soul Self and to access intuitive information, gut feelings that help you to make important decisions. When you learn to let go of the every day thoughts & lists, and easily drift into the transcendent state, you encounter feelings of lightness, well-being and ecstasy as you connect to your deepest dimension. It is in that transcendent state, if you are open and receptive, that life guidance questions are answered, that you hear the voice of Divine Guidance. No matter what spiritual path you have been following, be it Protestant, Catholic, Islam, Christian, Unitarian, Hindu, Buddhist, Agnostic, Atheist, or even none at all, meditation will only serve to deepen your connection to the light within that connects us all.

Golden Dome - For healing the self and others.

Golden Path Meditation: To weave balance and harmony into our lives, experience transcendent oneness, and get our own message from a Spirit Guide.

Ending a Relationship: Cutting the Cords

Healing Ocean - For healing and stress relief

Rainbow Waterfall: A waterfall of light washes away negativity, regrets, and old beliefs. Emerge feeling empowered, revitalized and motivated.